Sunday, April 20, 2008

OOh Baby, That's What I Like

My last two blogs have been downers, so I thought I'd publish something more indicative of my upbeat personality. I am a huge sensory person and I have some oddities regarding the five senses. I have listed my favorite sensory experiences. Laugh if you want, some of them are a bit strange!

Things I Absolutely Love


1. My children sleeping peacefully in their beds

2. Jon's hairy back (and the rest of his hairy body ;-) )

3. Baby Eve pulling the cat's fur out handfuls at a time

4. The "You've Got Mail" icon

5. A freshly polished set of fingernails


1. My husband's crevices

2. A new box of crayons

3. Autumn in Ohio

4. Rain on hot pavement

5. Clean laundry


1. My children roaring in laughter

2. The rustling of Eve's diaper as she crawls around the house

3. Jon whispering softly into my ear

4. The ice cream truck

5. Rain on the window pane


1. Bonnie Bell Lip Smackers (good childhood memories)

2. Peanut butter cream cheese pie from The Sweetest Thing

3. My first cup of morning coffee

4. Salty pretzels and a Diet Coke

5. Lemon Pepper chicken wings from Dick's and a Bud Light (I know--I'm a redneck)


1. My kids giving me a hug

2. Running my hands through Jon's hair

3. The cat rubbing her fur against my leg

4. Nursing my babies

5. Snuggling with Jon

Saturday, April 19, 2008

Pet Peeves

Are there certain things that people do that sometimes get under your skin? These things can be simple idiosyncrasies, less-than-brilliant actions, or blatant stupidities that others act upon that infuriate you. Well, I know I have some and here are just a few...

1. Know-it-alls

2. Being behind a driver who drives with their blinker perpetually on

3. Toothpaste residue in the sink

4. Chipped nail polish

5. No toilet paper left on the roll (but the roll is still on the toilet paper holder)

6. Being able to see a woman's undergarment through (poking out of, etc.) her clothes

7. Pumping gas (and paying for it)

8. Hearing the horrible sound styrofoam makes when it is scratched

9. Powdered medicine (I could never take a Goody's or BC!)

10. Being wasteful

So what about you? What gets on your nerves?


Anger Management

I've always had a bit of a temper--even when I was younger. My first distinct memory of out-and-out tantruming isn't as a child, but as a teenager instead. I was in high school in the late 80's and skyscraper hair styles were all the rage...the bigger, the better. I have naturally curly hair so I didn't have to get a perm like most of the girls, but I did have to have it frosted (yes, I said frosted--not highlighted with foils, but pulled through a cap with a knitting needle.) I had THE hair when I was in high school. It was big, bold, and bodacious. Anyway, one morning I was getting ready for school and my hair just wouldn't cooperate. I had my Aqua Net in one hand and sprayed my bangs until they were dripping with hairspray then I held them up with a pick and blew them dry with my hairdryer so that they were standing at attention. My hair had its normal amount of volume, but the shape was just all wrong and my bangs were just not standing the way I wanted. I was infuriated, but there was nothing I could do. My friend was waiting to give me a ride and I didn't have time to wash my hair and start all over again. Instead of chocking it all up to a bad hair day, I went into an all out rage. My mother was sitting at the dining room table listening to my grumbling and was hearing this all unfold. I was getting angrier by the second and finally I had to blow. I began SCREAMING at my mother and my friend (who was nice enough to pick me up and give me a ride to school, if I might add, so I didn't have to ride the bus) while complaining about my hair. I threw my teasing comb, chucked the hairspray can, and kicked the trashcan on the way out of the bathroom. My mom just sat in the dining room and would say to me in a calm voice, "Heather, it looks good. Quit getting so mad," as she puffed religiously on her cigarette and drank her coffee. My tantrum ended and I went to school, but this ritual occurred at least a couple of times a week. Looking back, I wonder why my mom didn't take that coffee cup of hers and whirl it at me when I was acting like a complete idiot...I'll have to ask her that.