Thursday, November 15, 2012

Tick, Tock, Tick, Tock, Tick...

As my 38th birthday is creeping up on me with great speed, I can't help but put my life into perspective....that I am on that downward slope and my life is, theoretically, at its halfway point. As I look back at who I have become, I've concluded that I am who I am...and it feels pretty damn good being me. I've made a million mistakes in my life and if I could do some things differently I would do so with reckless abandon as, despite the consequences, the end result would be more favorable than the current in many situations. I think the most valuable lesson that I have learned is this:  I can control no one except myself.  I can not make anyone do anything, change their behavior, or make them feel a certain way unless it is what they want and trying to do so is a complete waste of time, energy, and emotional trauma. I've learned to focus on changing myself and turning the focus and power back into my own hands as many days, this is all any of us have. With that being said, I think I'll raise a glass to lack of control...cheers!