Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Summer of '08

Believe it or not, the summer (for us, anyway) is nearly over as the kids go back to school this Friday, August 1. I am making a gross understatement when I say that the summer flew by way too quickly as we are on the eve-eve of the first day of school. Here are some pictures and descriptions of what our family has done over this summer--we have had a blast!

End of the Season T-Ball and Baseball Parties

Mimi and Papa Visiting

Visit with Dana and Hannah

Wild Adventures

Fourth of July

Hanging Out at the Beach

Visit with Nana, Emily, and Zoe

Gracie's Birthday Party

Eve Learning to Walk

The Hatten Girls

Jaden--First Lost Tooth!

In two short months, we have celebrated a birthday, learned to walk, lost a first tooth, overcame fears of riding rollercoasters, learned to swim, finalized where "home" is, matured, grew, and loved. Two short went by so quickly. I'm glad I was there to experience it.

1 comment:

Forever Mom said...

OH my! I can't believe the time is going so quickly...I love the pics and your blog! I am so proud of all you guys...truly proud. I love you all!

ps...I cry every time I read "The Kissing Hand". :}