Sunday, December 23, 2012

All That Matters...

It's a somber day, although I can't definitively say why. Life is full of too much, not enough, not quite and just barely's and I have come to the realization that perfection is right under my nose. Everything that means anything to me is right in front of my face and that's all I need...thank you, Jesus!

Friday, December 21, 2012

Joys of Motherhood: Embarrassing My Offspring!

Now that I'm officially one of those "moms", it becomes pretty difficult to scheme of different and unusual ways of embarrassing my children on a regular basis. Walking around the house in my granny robe when they have friends over usually does the trick, but with all the kids I have it pays to keep it fresh and exciting as much as possible. My latest victory of childhood torture was the other night at my school's holiday sing along. My 12-year-old son was my date for the evening and I thought I'd show a little motherly love with some hugs and kisses and a little baby talk I'm front if some students. Needless to say, my son tried to escape...but not without getting some Mama love. Ahhhh...the joys of motherhood!

Thursday, November 15, 2012

Tick, Tock, Tick, Tock, Tick...

As my 38th birthday is creeping up on me with great speed, I can't help but put my life into perspective....that I am on that downward slope and my life is, theoretically, at its halfway point. As I look back at who I have become, I've concluded that I am who I am...and it feels pretty damn good being me. I've made a million mistakes in my life and if I could do some things differently I would do so with reckless abandon as, despite the consequences, the end result would be more favorable than the current in many situations. I think the most valuable lesson that I have learned is this:  I can control no one except myself.  I can not make anyone do anything, change their behavior, or make them feel a certain way unless it is what they want and trying to do so is a complete waste of time, energy, and emotional trauma. I've learned to focus on changing myself and turning the focus and power back into my own hands as many days, this is all any of us have. With that being said, I think I'll raise a glass to lack of control...cheers!

Wednesday, April 11, 2012

Put Them Back Together

Driving home from picking Eve up from school, she was staring at my hands on the steering wheel. I wasn't sure what to think when she said, "You need to fix your nail." Puzzled, I asked her what she meant. "You need to put them back together. You need to go to the nail shop and make them look pretty." My 4 year old diva...she's going to make sure Mama gets a full set this weekend!

Friday, April 6, 2012

6 + 1 = Hatten Six Pack and a Double Deuce

It's been quite a while since my last post, and the irony is that we took that puppy back to the pound, made baby number five, and now we are The Hatten Six Pack and a Double Deuce with the addition of our final ( yes, I mean it this time) baby, Little Jon, aka Lil Man. I still have a heart for animals so we had to get another dog, Keesha, from the Humane Society so my animal instincts are still alive and kicking. I'm the program co-coordinator for Special Olympics Coastal Georgia and LOVE working with individuals with intellectual disabilities. More to come...and I promise not to birth another child in between posts.