Lately, I have been talking to my children about saving money and being responsible when spending money. Each week the children get an allowance for doing "extra" jobs above and beyond their usual chores. When they get this money, they usually like to spend it when we go to Wal*Mart. On our trip to Wal*Mart this week, Gracie said that she had $5.00 not counting her usual allowance. She had not spent $2.00 from the previous week and had $3.00 from the tooth fairy. I knew my talks were doing some good because Gracie told Jaden that she was going to save her money so that she could buy something big that she really wanted instead of wasting the money on a couple of small items that, in reality, she really didn't want. After hearing that, I thought that what I had said had really begun to set in and I felt quite proud of my parenting accomplishments...that is, until she said, "I want to do just like Wal*Mart--'Save money. Live better.' " Oh well, all least she gets it!
So cute, I miss when my kids said "cute" little things, although, now sometimes they share wisdom with me. That's what happens when we get older I guess. I think my kids could learn from Grace on this one though, ha.
Oh ha ha....what a cutie patootie! I'm with Gracie...I could spend all my money at the Wal-Marts!
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