Thursday, September 4, 2008

Wanted: Teaching Job!

Well, my time off with Eve has come to an end and I am looking for a teaching job. Unfortunately, the school year has already begun and all of the positions have been filled. Hopefully, there will be an influx of special education students and a new class will need to be formed. Until then, I am on the substitute list and I'm praying that will keep me busy. I'm actually looking forward to getting back into the classroom and am eager to try out some of the new strategies I have learned while working on my Master's. It's a bittersweet moment for me...leaving Eve with a babysitter, getting back to the daily grind, less time with my family. *Sigh* Oh least I had Eve's first year at home with her. Not many mothers have that opportunity and I am grateful to have had it. On the flip side, I know three "big" kids who are going to be thrilled to see me in the hallways at school!

1 comment:

Michelle said...

We have an opening!! Come on over. It would be quite the commute, though, wouldn't it. It would be oh so fun to work with you, though!